Liv's 4 Month Update

Good morning all. Well it is finals for the World Cup!!  Liv and I flew in Toronto yesterday and now adjusting to hotel living. Hockey Canada and the NHLPA actually makes it so easy on the families, so we are grateful for that. Tonight will be her first hockey game, I am a little nervous but hopefully it goes smoothly! I am sure I will do a few posts on Instagram stories.
For now though I am doing a little 4 month update. I was so sad to see the newborn stage go, but this girl is just getting more fun by the minute! She is changing so much day to day, I love seeing her develop new skills and discover things around her. I have been getting a lot of questions about miss Liv so here is a quick run down on whats happening in her little world. 

Sleeping Unsaddled- 
I have gotten so many questions about how we transitioned out of swaddling. I hate to comment on this because I did zero research but I will go ahead and share what worked for us. When we started she would sleep no more than 20 minutes unswaddled so I went ahead and bought The Magic Sleep Suit. My girlfriends had been using it and really liked it. This has no means been a miracle worker for us but I do think it helps. We started off slow and just used it for naps here and there until she got comfortable with it. Once she was taking good naps in it we then started using it at night. From night one she did fine with it. We have no moved on to the Nested Bean Zen Sack which we are having a lot of success with!  We are still using the DockATot just for naps though which I think is also helping with the transition.

liv anniston price sleeping baby girl dockatot

Liv and the Dogs- 
I get a lot of questions about how the dogs are with Liv. Our yellow lab loves Liv, wants to be around her and always giving her kisses. Our black lab doesn't really seem to care for her, kind of just ignores her for the most part.  She likes them but does get a little nervous when she is laying on her back and they both come up to her. I am anxious to see their relationship grow. Will for sure keep you guys posted! 

liv anniston price baby girl tummy time with yellow lab

Having toys around are a must now. We are loving pretty much everything from B. toys.  The colors are so much more attractive then other toys I have seen. My personal favorite is the Glow Zzz Whale, I prefer this over the sleep sheep we had previously been using.  

liv anniston price baby girl playing with toys

Eating- So our little Liv is a bit under weight. The last few weeks I had thought that my milk supply was decreasing..I have been getting around 3 ounces less than before while pumping. So when we saw the doctor and got her weight that pretty much confirmed she was not getting enough to eat. I have been upping my calories and drinking lots of water but that hasn't seemed to help. I am afraid that the marathon training has not been great for my milk supply, now that it is over I am putting off all cardio for awhile. I will for sure avoid such an intense training schedule after next baby.  
The doctor recommended supplementing formula or starting her on solids. So at night after breast feeding I top her off with 2oz of formula. We also introduced avocado! 

I love the picture below because its 100 percent our sleep situation. The hubs and I are exhausted while little Liv is wide awake not wanting to sleep. Some nights we are up every two hours, other nights she gives us a little more sleep. Her naps are pretty consistent at 45 minutes a few times a day. We plan on doing some major sleep training but because we have been traveling and sleeping in new places contently we are going to wait until we are a bit more settled in our Montreal home. 

liv anniston and carey price dad and daughter snuggling

Liv is just a traveling champ! She has been doing great on the planes for the most part. I try to save a new toy to give her once we get on the plane...and if all else fails I just nurse her through the flight. I bring her DotATot with us everywhere so it is easy to get her sleep no matter where we are at. 

angela price and liv anniston airport

Much Love,

Lifestyle, FamilyAngela Price