Newborn Baby Gear

baby millie price in her crib

So I am finally getting a newborn baby product post up! Millie is just about 2 months so I feel like that has given me a good amount of time to try some new products but I am also sharing about a few that we used with Liv and are now using again with Millie. I am doing a quick down and dirty run through of all the products we have been using for the newborn stage. I will link all the products so you check them out if you want more information.


Snuggle Me - Right now we are using this only for naps but once she grows out of the Snoo we will transition to this in the crib.

Rock and Play - Lifesaver for the early days! Both of my girls were not great at sleeping flat so we started off with the Rock and Play next to the bed. It easily folds and is fairly light so it is easy to pack with you! We took ours on vacation to the Bahamas with us.

The Snoo- I will do a full review of this on my Instagram but it is pretty awesome. Intended from birth to 6 months.

Snuggle me vs. DockaTot

I had a lot of people ask me to compare the two. I prefer the snuggle me because I feel like it is more comforting when they are newborns but they will grow out of the Snuggle me a lot fast than the DockaTot. With Liv, we only used the DockaTot and it did work fine for us so I think you are safe either way you go.


Boppy lounger: We used this all the time with Liv and are now using it a ton for Millie. I find that I always need to a place to put the baby down and this one is comfortable, easy to move and just convenient.

MamaRoo: This one is a coin toss. Liv hated it Millie loves it and I have a lot of friends who their kids either loved it or hated it. I feel like going with a normal swing would probably be safer but I definitely prefer the look of the MamaRoo.

Stokke Chair: This is a new one for us, we didn't have it for Liv but I wish we would have. I LOVE it. I especially love it because it is good from birth up to age 6! How is that for an investment?! With a newborn, you just use the little newborn bed accessories, once they get older you can transition it into a highchair and then once they outgrow that then it is just a chair for them. I love the look of this way more than booster seats and other options we have seen so I went ahead and got just the chair for Liv as well.

Baby Carrier:

Ring Sling- I have been using the ring sling a lot with Millie, and we have been liking it. Takes a bit to really learn how to use it but once you do its simple. I don't know if I like it more than the Ergo baby carrier or any of the other wrap carriers but I do think it is prettier!


Numpfer - The ONLY blanket we use for swaddling!! I know I am being a bit dramatic here but it is only because we love this blanket that much. The Aden + Anais are super cute and great to have on hand but I feel like they are so hard to use for swaddling and my girls always busted out of them easily. The Numpfer blankets are so soft and have a little stretch to them which makes it so much easier to get a tight swaddle. We love them!


I love getting cutsie outfits, but at the end of the day when we are just home relaxing Millie is in the zip up onsies from Old Navy.


We have been using The Honest company just for the ease of being able to have the bundles shipped right to your door.

Baby Monitor - I had a traditional baby monitor with Liv and I hated it so we are just using our Nest Cam this time around.


We are using Dr. Brown baby bottles. We used them Liv and I liked them fine so we are using them again for Millie.

Breast Pump:

I have the Medela Freestyle and I love it. I have also decided to get the Willow Pump to make pumping on the go easier, I am anxious to receive it and start using it. I will keep you guys posted on that.

Pack and Play:

We have the 4 moms pack and play and I love it. It is so easy to put up and down and looks beautiufl. The only downfall is it is a bit heavy.

Car Seat and Stroller-

For our bucket seat, we use the Peg-Perego Primo Viaggio. I chose this one because of the safety reviews and because it was pretty lightweight compared to others. I am not finding that it is not compatible with some strollers and our Veer so that is a bit of a bummer. But overall I love it. Once Millie grows out of it we will transition her into her Diono car seat.

As for a stroller, I don't really know yet. I have a few but because of all the snow and cold, I haven't given any a try yet. I did have the single Valco baby stroller though and loved it and we went ahead and got their double stroller so I am excited to try that.

I did post on my Instagram about the travel stroller we were using which is the Baby Zen yoyo, with the little scooter toddler attachment and I really liked it but would only use it for travel.

As always if you have any questions the best way to get a response is to comment on the correlating Instagram post.

Much Love,
