Skin Tightening with Skins Clinique

before and after photos of angela price skin tightening

If you have been following along on Instagram stories, then you know I have been doing the TempSure Envi treatment on my tummy and face at Skins Clinique in Dix30. I finished my 8 week/ 8 treatments and now, as promised, I’m sharing with you guys my results and my thoughts on it. By just looking at the before and afters below, I bet you guys can guess that I was very happy with the outcome.

What is Tempsure Envi?

It’s a gentile radio frequency treatment that can minimize facial fine lines, wrinkles and tightens skin. It delivers radio frequency technology to gently heat your skin. Increasing the skin’s temperature for a defined, therapeutic time will trigger a natural response for your skin to create new collagen. The new collagen fibers are tight, dense, and neatly organized - giving you tighter, younger-looking skin.

During a treatment you will experience a gentle warming sensation around the target area(s), some areas were a little more sensitive to the heat but it was manageable.

There is no down time at all. After the treatment, there is usually only a slight redness of the treated area. This redness will generally subside soon after. You will be able to return to your daily activities immediately following treatment!

For my stomach it was about 30 minutes and my face was around 45 minutes. I did 8 sessions, one every week for 8 weeks.

Why I Decided to Try It:

I have the shortest torso in the world so having babies was really hard on my mid section, especially the second baby. No matter how hard I worked out or how clean I ate I couldn’t seem to fix the loose skin on my tummy. Luckily I made an appointment with Jenny at Skins Clinique in Dix30 to see what we could do to help the area. She was very confident that Tempsure Envi would help me tremendously. She showed me some before and afters and I was sold! So much so I decided to do my face as well.

Tummy Before (on the left) & After (on the right)

angela price skin tightening skins clinique before and after
angela price before and after skin tightening treatment

Face Before (on the left) & After (on the right):

angela price face before and after skin tightening

I am not an expert - just sharing my before and afters. If you have more questions, I suggest making a consultation appointment (totally free) with Skins Clinique in Dix30 and they can let you know if you are a good candidate for the treatment and what kind of results you can expect. You can also click here to check out their website with more information and pricing.

If you are not in the Montreal area you can go to the Cynosure website here to find information as well as a provider near you.

Much Love,
