Elf On the Shelf

angela price elf on the shelf family christmas kids

There is less than one week until December and while that is crazy, it also means that there is less than one week until Elf on the Shelf begins! If you’ve done it in years past, it’s time to dig out the elf and if not, you can purchase one on Amazon and have it shipped right to your door in time to begin the fun! I usually begin scouring Pinterest weeks before to get some ideas on how to keep the kids entertained without repeating the same thing too many times, but honestly I think it’s just the surprise of finding him every morning that makes it so fun for them. In case you’re stuck or completely brain blocked and can’t come up with any new ideas for your family, I thought I would share with you what we have done in years past. If you want to see all of the elf on the shelf pictures and ideas I have you can check out my Pinterest board HERE.

ELF TIP: One of the best parts of getting the elf is being able to name it! We named ours Lola and love hearing what others choose to name theirs!

Ideas for the Kitchen:

Other Parts of the House:

This week I will head to the craft store to get some basics to have on hand to get creative with the Lola. This is what I found at Michele's last year. They have a really cute “miniature” section that is the perfect size for the elves.


Hopefully I can come up with some new ideas this year. It might be nice to have a whole new house to play around with since we are not in Montreal for Christmas! If you have any creative ideas or ones that can be done without too much effort (I do have a new baby!) please leave them below. Also, let me know if you participate in Elf on the Shelf, or if you’re going to, and what you’ve named your elf! Don’t forget to head over to my Pinterest Elf on the Shelf board for even more ideas!

Much Love,
