Halloween Kid’s Activities

angela price halloween pinterest roundup activities holiday

With Halloween just two weeks away I can only imagine that most kids are as excited as mine about dressing up and enjoying the spooky holiday. If you are like me, you are running out of themed activities to do with the kiddos, so I thought it would be really fun to share some of my Pinterest finds with you in case you’re looking for some easy, but fun Halloween craft ideas for your kids, too!

Halloween Banana Popsicles (1)
This is a fun craft and a yummy treat! They only require five ingredients and most of them are probably in your cupboards already! The ghosts are super cute, but I can’t wait to try out the peanut butter mummies!

Halloween Suncatchers (3)
This craft is great because Liv can be really creative with it, but it’s simple enough for Millie to enjoy, too! The website has templates you can download for monsters, Frankenstein, pumpkins, bats and ghosts. You can decorate every window in the house!

No-Carve Pumpkins (6)
This is more than just one activity. On my Pinterest board, I’ve pinned a bunch of different ways to involve kids in decorating pumpkins without having to carve them. From melting crayons to turning them into mummies to using things in your house like nail polish, markers and even washi tape to create something you can display for Halloween, these pins have great ideas for all families to try!

Puffy Ghosts (2)
This is another really simple craft that won’t require too many new supplies. You can download the template from the website, let your kids get creative and then you’ll have some adorable puffy ghosts to hang up around the house!

Halloween Egg Hunt
Halloween is going to look a little bit different for everyone this year, but with a bit of creativity you can still make it memorable! All you need to do is use a permanent marker and some plastic Easter eggs to make some scary and spooky looking eggs, fill them with Halloween treats and hide them around your house. It’s a simple and safe way to trick or treat indoors!

However, if you are not much of a DIY’er then here are some fun things you can order for 2 day shipping:

Easy Playhouse Haunted Castle

Monster Craft Kit

Foam Pumpkin Decorating Kit (5)

Halloween House Cookie Kit (4)

Graveyard Chocolate Cookie Kit

Pumpkin Push Ins

Gem Skull


There are many more activities on my Pinterest Kid Activities board! Go follow along and let me know if you try any of these treats, crafts or even the egg hunt! It’s so much fun to watch my girls enjoy this holiday and hopefully I’ve helped you with some ideas to keep your kiddos entertained for the next week!

Much Love,