Spring Cleaning

angela price spring cleaning non toxic products

Many of my friends have sent me similar quotes or memes in the last few weeks. It gives me a little laugh but even with everything going on right now I have not changed my beliefs with cleaning products and there is not bleach nor lysol wipes to be found in our home! With spring cleaning time here I thought I better do a post on the subject!

Let’s start off by talking about cleaning in general. Sanitizing and disinfecting is really not necessary for your general cleaning, and most “disinfecting” cleaners are full of very harmful chemicals. Simply removing germs instead of killing them is sufficient, the difference of washing hands vs using hand sanitizer.

In our home we use Branch Basics products which we absolute LOVE! They currently do not deliver to Canada but if there is a way you can get it I would do it. And reach out to Branch Basics, if more people ask for them to deliver to Canada they eventually will! I am also so grateful to have switched over to Branch Basics before this virus outbreak. I am not having to run to the store for more soap or cleaner because everything is made with one concentrate which I always have an extra bottle on hand! This stuff works so great but is still gentle enough to use for every day cleaning, laundry, dogs, I have even used it on kids! And if I run out of my face cleanser I will be using my Branch Basics hand soap! This is one of the very few items I found that the EWG score of zero!!

So that is for general cleaning, for disinfecting I have been using Vinegar and/or Hydrogen Peroxide. Check out this link to the Branch Basics blog to learn how to correctly use these items for disinfecting. It just takes simple ingredients that are still easy to find at the grocery stores!

That literally covers all of my cleaning needs but another thing I want to note when we all have time to be cleaning out our cabinets are some other house hold products that should be tossed. All these items contain harsh chemicals that can cause harm to your health and/or reproductive system.

  • scented candles made with synthetic fragrances

  • air fresheners

  • dryer sheets

  • moth balls

  • furniture polish

  • oven cleaner

  • anything with flame retardant on it

Much Love,
