Summer Hockey Series: Q&A with Lacey Comeau

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Well today is the last edition of the Summer Hockey Series and we are ending with Lacey Comeau! Her husband is a right winger and alternate captain for the Dallas Stars. We are lucky enough to know the Comeau’s - they also spend their summers in Kelowna, so we have gotten to know them pretty well over the years. They are some of the nicest people you will meet in the hockey world. Carey and I are so excited to see Blake get his chance at the cup!

The hockey bubble, what does that look like for your family? Are you in the bubble? Or are you planning on entering the bubble? If so can you tell us more about the process of entering the bubble?

We won’t go to the bubble, we have 3 girls Zoie (7), Finley (4.5) and Rowan (21 months) it just felt too difficult. We would have been required to quarantine in a hotel room for 5 days and not only that, after the quarantine was over we are still quarantined in the hotel, with our children we agreed that it would be too difficult and long for both them and I. 

This is your first experience making the finals after 14 years in the league! What is going through your mind? Are you trying not to think about it? Or are you all in emotionally? Is Blake the same as you?

I am crazy excited for Blake, he’s never made it this far in the playoffs and he is so happy. I know I am going to be emotional when it’s all said and done, but until then I stay pretty calm. We FaceTime daily, sometimes a couple times a day with the girls, but it’s mainly them talking and Blake listening. I think it’s a good distraction from hockey. 

We have a fall season with no hockey, what will that look like for you guys? Any plans?

We don’t have any big plans with our oldest in school, but we will definitely try and go on a family trip and maybe make it back to Canada, depending on COVID. I know Blake is looking forward to getting to be more involved with our girls, like taking them to school and the sports they love. 


What was your favorite part of quarantine with your bf/hubby? Where were you guys? Did you take on any new projects?

My favorite part of quarantine was all the extra family time and just having Blake around. I especially loved see the bond grow between Blake and our youngest. He started putting her to bed every night and when he left I started again - to my surprise she knew every nursery rhyme and the ABCs, it was super sweet. We stayed in Dallas during the quarantine and plan to stay here until the next season. We have a nice routine here and really love the city. 

How has the hubby handled the bubble so far? Did he bring video games along or anything like that to stay busy in the hotel?
Blake’s handling the bubble well. He misses home, but has also really enjoyed being back playing. He didn’t bring any video games, but enjoys watching his buddies play. I could never understand and why, hahaha!

How are you watching the games? A nervous wreck? Calm cool and collected? 
I am pretty calm cool and collected watching the games. 


If you have 30 minutes free, what can you find you doing?
If I have a few minutes to spare, you will find me on the couch, feet up! 


5 things you are loving right now?
- Juice bar, a fresh green juice is the best
- Lavender matcha latte
- Park dates with my littlest
- Watching hockey with my older girls
- Pedicures 

What is your favorite thing about the city your hubby plays in?
I love the community we live in, it’s been by far the most welcoming and easiest to settle in and call home during the season.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the Summer Hockey Series and got to know some of the hockey wives and girlfriends a bit better! I know I had a lot of fun doing it and now we are all about to enjoy a fall season with no hockey and a lot more family time!

Much Love,
