Lincoln 6 Month Update


It’s so hard to believe that Lincoln has already been here for 6 months! He is growing so fast and while living life with three kids is not easy, I am so grateful to have my little ones. I wanted to share an update with you now that our little man is half a year old!

Once again, thanks to WeeSleep, Lincoln has been rocking his sleep schedule the last couple of months. I was in touch with my sleep consultant about Lincoln’s age and weight and we decided on the right time to start sleep training. It ended up being around four and a half months old. It only took a couple nights and our little man was sleeping through the night! Naps took a bit longer to get down. There was a couple of weeks with short (like 15 minute) naps, but we kept to the plan and his routine and in no time we had his naps down - he’s now napping from 1-2 hours at a time. I say “in no time”, but while we were in it, it did seem like he was never going to start napping for long periods. So if you are going through this, just hang in there!

He sleeps in his room, in his crib in a sleep sack and with a lovey. His room is completely blacked out and we turn on a loud sound machine. We have a nice night time and nap routine that we are consistent with. Routine and consistency is huge!


6:00 - 7:00am —> Wake Up and Nurse
8:00am —> Breakfast (pureed pears) 
9:30am —> Nap Time Routine/Down for a Nap
11:30am —> Wake Up, Nurse and Play
12:30pm —> Lunch ( pureed veggie with protein) 
2:00pm —> Nap Time Routine/Down for a Nap
3:00pm —> Wake Up, Nurse and Play
5:30pm —> Cat Nap
     *His 3rd nap of the day is still hit and miss. Most of the time it’s just a quick cat nap.
6:15pm —> Dinner (pureed sweet potato)
7:45pm —> Night Time Routine: Nurse and Down for the Night

Lincoln is hitting his milestones a lot later than the girls, but is still in the normal range. He is rolling over, but thats about the only thing he has mastered. He’s still not sitting up on his own or showing much interest in crawling. That’s probably my fault — with our busy schedule there is not a lot of time set aside to work on these things, so I am going to try to get better at that. He is starting to babble a lot more and is always smiling. He has the cutest little laugh, he loves getting smooches and loves giving them! He is pretty much always happy, unless he is hungry or tired. He is at his best when we are in the bath tub. If you follow me on Instagram, then I am sure you have seen one of the hundreds of videos I have posted of him being a little cutie in the tub.


We did start solids right at 6 months. I make my own baby food — for more information on that you can check out my blog post here. When I don’t have anything prepared ahead of time, we usually give him some avocado. We were giving him mashed up bananas, but that was making him constipated, so we have stopped giving it to him.


I was sharing our journey with Lincolns tummy issue on my instagram all your comments were so helpful. We helped his constipation by giving him water at least once a day and prunes. This got things moving pretty good for him. We were still having issues with him spitting up (pretty much throwing up at times) I cut out eggs and dairy from my diet and that seemed to help quiet a bit, but it took 3-4 weeks to really see a notable difference. But I did get lazy with my diet and had some cheese pizza and Lincoln was back to spitting up a ton the next day, so pretty sure thats been the issue!


Lincoln has had some issues with eczema, which started clearing up once his digestion got sorted out. However, he did have some areas where he was itching so bad that he was bleeding. The doctor prescribed Cortoderm which has worked great.



I get asked a lot which transition was hardest and for me, one hundred percent, was going from two to three. I just found that my brain had a hard time adjusting, I had to consciously do a mental check to see if all the kids were accounted for, which I never recalled doing with just the girls. It was also my hardest delivery to recover from, no real reason other than resting really isn’t an option, and getting older I am sure doesn’t help. I am still figuring out our schedule and how to juggle the three kids. Everyone is constantly hitting a new stage and doing things differently, it makes it just about impossible to keep a consistent attack plan. I do have to say it is so fun being a family of five. I also get asked if we are going to have another. . . I recently asked Carey that and he replied “let’s just worry about the ones we have for now” haha! So, that is yet to be determined. If we do decide to have more kids, I wouldn’t be surprised if we look into adoption.

I think that about covers everything for Linc’s 6 month update! The other week, I posted about the kids baby books. I am really trying to not drop the ball with the third kid! If you missed it you can find that post here.

Much Love, 
