Valentines Day - Kids Edition

I can’t believe Valentine’s Day is only two weeks away! In our house, Valentine’s Day is a big celebration and I think the biggest fan is Liv. Any excuse to decorate and celebrate, right? Today, I’ve gathered up my favorite little items that are going to make our Valentine’s Day celebration a bit more special - including the mailbox that was a huge hit last year!

Looking for ideas? Try filling the little mailbox with little gifts like bath bombs, non-toxic nail polish and a book for a fun Valentine’s Day surprise. Or, purchase the adorable pink pieces from By Angela the Label and let your little ones party all day long in style!

If you’re looking for a really fun, easy and unique idea for classmates or friends, check out my DIY valentine craft below. Liv and I spent an afternoon making these and we both really enjoyed it!




  • Pink/Red/Blue Paint Chip Samples (from your local hardware store)

  • Hole Punch

  • Heart Punch (we went ahead and ordered the set thinking this could be cute for other holidays as well)

  • Ribbon (to match the paint chips)

Watch Liv and I make this DIY Valentine’s project HERE.

The Valentine’s Day countdown is on, but I’m really excited to decorate and bake and craft and enjoy another fun holiday with my family! One day to celebrate nothing but love is exactly what we all need right now - so I hope you are able to enjoy it, too! Happy Valentine’s Day!

Much Love,