Spring Cleaning II: Product Replacements

angela price spring cleaning non-toxic products

Two weeks ago I posted the first part of this post, Spring Cleaning: Top 10 Things to Throw Out, so if you missed it go back and read it now. So many of you guys loved the post, but wanted to know what to replace the items with that you are throwing out with, so I went through topic by topic giving my suggestions.

1. Cleaning Solutions: First and foremost, just because the label says “Natural”, “Non-Toxic” or even “Eco-Friendly” doesn’t mean that it is!!! It can be a good place to start when you’re looking for products, but verify it by checking the ingredients. If you find that there is just not enough room in your brain to remember every ingredient you should be avoiding (like me!) then you can always look up the item on the EWG’s Guide to Healthy Cleaning.

Most of you probably know my love for Branch Basics and that is what we use in our home. Unfortunately, they do not ship to Canada, so I did some research and feel good about suggesting the brands Attitude, Nature Clean and Seventh Generation. Although, don’t forget about Pure Castile soap, or even just vinegar and water.

2. Candles made with Synthetic Fragrances & Air Fresheners: There are multiple issues when it comes to candles. You have to take in to consideration the wax it is made with, the wicks and the fragrance used.

To make things easy, you can replace scented candles with a diffuser and essential oils. I love the ambience of a candle, so I look for 100% bee wax candles (or made with coconut oil) with a cotton or paper wick. Another safe option is wax made from non goo soy, hemp or a vegetable base.

If you love your air freshener, I have come across the brand Grow which is a great alternative.

3. Laundry Detergent & Dryer Sheets: Same thing applies here as with the cleaning products. You have to do your homework to find products that are truly non toxic. I use Branch Basics, but I also like the brands Attitude, Aspen, Seventh Generation and Honest.

4. Antibacterial Soaps:  All you need is just plain old soap and water, nothing fancy, no fragrance and definitely no unnecessary chemicals! Again, you have to check the ingredients list, but if you want a little help in this area you can check out the EWG’s list of Non-Toxic Hand Soaps.

We again use Branch Basics for our hand soap, but we also use pure Castile soap quite a bit. You can just mix it with water and put in a foam pump.

5. Beauty Products/ Perfumes/ Lotions: I have a blog post coming later this month that goes in to this subject in more detail, but for now some of my favorite brands are Beauty from Bees, Copra Flora, and W3ll People.

6. Plastics in your Kitchen: Again, you can expect to see a full post on this topic soon, but look for alternative such as glass, stainless steel, silicone and I especially love bamboo for kid items.

7. Nonstick Pans: From my research cast iron pans are the way to go, but they can be a lot of work. I opt for stainless steel and got my set from Home Sense, but here is a great option from Amazon.

8. Sunscreens: When picking a sunscreen you want to avoid oxybenzone, paragons phthalates and retinal palmitate. This can be done by avoiding the big brands like Neutrogena, Coppertone and Banana Boat. A few brands our family likes are Think Sport, Goddess Garden and Alba Botanica.

9. Bedding: If you have been following me for a while, then you know my love for White Terry’s organic bedding. We are in the process of remodelling our Kelowna home and when it comes time, we will be changing out our mattresses for cleaner alternatives. I will for sure take you guys along for that!

10. Flame Retardants: When buying a new piece of furniture or a mattress (for you or your babe) make sure you ask if it has been treated with any flame retardants, and I avoid any items that have been treated with any chemical such as scotch guard. You can check product tags, they should say  “CONTAINS NO ADDED FLAME RETARDANTS” or something of that nature. Flame retardants are especially common in foams, so with kid items avoid  polyurethane foam. If, or when, a cover on an item rips or tears and leaves foam exposed make sure to replace that item right away.

I hope this answers any questions that may have popped up during the last blog post and helps you find some great alternatives for your family! If you have any other suggestions or brands that you love to use - leave them down below so we can all get a few more ideas of how to truly “spring clean” our homes.

Much Love,


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